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Providing A Pathway Home

“… to liberate those tied down and held back by injustice, to lighten the load of those heavily burdened, to free the oppressed and shatter every type of oppression… Sharing your food with people who have none. Giving those who are homeless a space in your home, Giving clothes to those who need them, and not neglecting your own family” Isaiah 58 : 6-7

Veteran Services

First Steps

Housing Support

Our Mission

Based on the belief that all people deserve the dignity of a safe place to call home, Front Steps’ mission is to create a pathway home through shelter, affordable housing, and community education.

Who We Are

Front Steps is committed to providing a full range of services to support our clients moving from homelessness to safe, affordable long-term housing. Front Steps operates supportive housing programs for chronically homeless individuals and coordinates with other community homeless services providers to access both transitional and permanent housing options.

What The People We Help Have to Say

For people like me that have a violent criminal record, evictions, bankruptcy, and a history of substance abuse, it’s very hard finding a landlord willing to approve your application, especially in a city like Austin... The housing program at Front Steps has far exceeded my expectation, and I would strongly recommend it to any Veteran experiencing a housing crisis. Thank you to the amazing team of professionals at Front Steps! Today my dog and I finally have a place to call home.

A Grateful Housed Veteran

It’s a humbling experience… I went to a place that was supposed to help, and they did. Sometimes things get in the way of life, but Front Steps was a stepping-stone for me.

Eugene C.

I’m so happy! They (Front Steps) helped me get my own place and everything I need.

Marraco H.

Front Steps has been the backbone in more ways than one. Their strong support in housing has removed so much burden off my shoulders moreover my life. I don’t know where I’d be without this program or staff that has provided such care and commitment to the needs that are required of me.

Keoni K.

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