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Meet Ryan Goldman – A Champion for Our Community

By July 5, 2024July 9th, 2024No Comments

In Austin’s ever-changing literal and figurative landscape, it’s easy to overlook those struggling to find stable ground. However, Ryan Goldman, the Secretary of the Board of Front Steps, stands as a steadfast advocate for individuals experiencing homelessness in our community. His journey, dedication, and perspective provide an inspiring narrative that underscores the importance of compassion and continuous support.

A Serendipitous Start

Ryan’s introduction to Front Steps was, by his own admission, unexpected.

In the beginning, I actually started through a temp agency that asked if I would be interested in working at a homeless shelter called Front Steps in late 201-2018 a part of the finance department.

“I didn’t know what to expect at first, but after working there for a time, I started to realize that in most cases, homelessness is not a choice but rather can be unforeseen circumstances in life that can lead people to it.”

From an initial role in finance, Ryan’s understanding and empathy for those experiencing homelessness deepened, evolving from a professional engagement to a personal mission. His story is a powerful reminder that sometimes the most impactful journeys start with the smallest steps.

Moments That Matter

Over the years, Ryan has witnessed firsthand the stark realities faced by those without a home. Two moments, in particular, stand out.

“The first was being part of the 2023 PIT Count here in Austin. Even though we were just involved in the counting process of the number of people in our community experiencing homelessness, doing so in the rain and really getting a direct view of how those in the community are forced to live to escape the elements truly puts into perspective why organizations like Front Steps need to exist and be supported.”

He also recalls the words of his supervisor, Sheila Joseph:

She said, that even though we don’t have much direct contact with clients, the finance department is just as important to making the entire organization function. This sticks out to me because sometimes it is easy to feel that the work you do is just a drop in the bucket in the scope of an entire organization.

“Still, in reality, every department is just as important to the next in making the entire system work to continue to allow Front Steps to remain committed to its mission since 1997.”

Evolving Perspectives

Ryan’s roles within and outside Front Steps have profoundly shaped his perspective on homelessness and community support. He recalls the overwhelming need he witnessed at the ARCH shelter, previously operated by Front Steps:

“I see every day that there are still people who care deeply about the issue and want to do everything they can to help as many people as possible.”

This evolving understanding has only strengthened his resolve and commitment, highlighting the importance of a collective effort in addressing homelessness.

Words of Wisdom

To those experiencing homelessness and those supporting them, Ryan offers a simple yet powerful message: “NEVER GIVE UP. The fight is difficult, but the reward of getting one step closer to ending homelessness in our community is worth all the sweat and tears. If we can all continue to come together and support organizations like Front Steps who every day still assist neighbors in our community who need it, we can all together work to one day eliminate homelessness in Austin, while becoming the model for other areas of the country and potentially the world.”

A Call to Action

Ryan’s message to the community is clear: compassion, involvement, and continuous support are vital. “I would reference back to the vision of Front Steps, which is that ‘no person should have to spend a night on the streets.’ This statement has remained true from the day Front Steps was founded up to today and will remain true into the future. Everyone deserves shelter from the weather and a safe place to call ‘home’ in whatever capacity home is.”

As we move forward, let Ryan’s journey and words inspire us to take that first step, to extend a hand, and to be the change we wish to see. Together, we can make a difference.