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First Steps

Are you experiencing financial difficulty sustaining housing?

Our goal at Front Steps is to provide a resource for the community of Austin by keeping people in their own homes and by getting people out of the shelter system and off the streets. We want to break the cycle of trauma that comes with being unhoused. To further our mission of preventing and ending homelessness, Front Steps has launched a new program under our homelessness prevention initiative in March of 2023. First Steps is a crisis resolution method in place to assist individuals experiencing hardship.

Housing Displacement Prevention Program

The Housing Displacement Prevention Program is designed to help people keep their housing. The Housing Displacement Prevention Program provides financial assistance to those who have been pushed to the brink of homelessness by unexpected hardships and limited resources. The program can assist with moving in costs such as security deposits, application fees, pet fees, and more.

For individuals who may be facing eviction for late payment, this program can provide help with past-due rental payments. Front Steps works directly with your landlord to prevent eviction. We understand if you have a special circumstance and we’re here for you. You may also contact us if none of these situations apply to you, and you are at risk of being homeless. 

Learn how to access our Housing Displacement Prevention Program here: APPLICATION

Who is Eligible?

  • Anyone is at imminent risk of being literally homeless. Meaning, an individual or family who will imminently lose their primary nighttime residence, provided that:
    1. Residence will be lost within 14 days of the date of application for homeless assistance;
    2. No subsequent residence has been identified; and
    3. The individual or family lacks the resources or support networks needed to obtain other permanent housing.

    Note: Includes individuals and families who are within 14 days of losing their housing, including housing they own, rent, are sharing with others, or are living in without paying rent.

    However, you may also contact us if none of these situations apply to you, and you are at risk of being homeless. Our application is your chance to tell us about your situation. IDs, proof of hardship, proof of income, and any other documentations are not required, but highly encouraged. Do not be discouraged to apply if you do not have proper documentation, right now.

How to Enroll?

We are  not currently accepting new applications. Please check back soon. To obtain help please complete our online application. If you need assistance completing your online application feel free to give us a call or fill out a contact form. The First Steps and its programs; Housing Displacement Prevention Program and Housing Placement Program DO NOT need a coordinated assessment.   

Housing Placement Program

The Housing Placement Program is designed to provide ONE-TIME financial assistance in moving forward with becoming housed. Assistance is provided to those who produce sufficient income and documentation in moving forward with housing. Assistance provided, but not limited to:

  • Application Fees,
  • Security Deposit,
  • Up to One-month rental
  • State IDs/Passports
  • Social Security Cards

Qualifications for this program require documentation showing proof of approval from the Property Manager/apartment complex, current lease, and W-9 of the prospective apartments. The goal of this program is to meet individuals’ immediate needs while supporting their transition into sustainable, permanent housing. First Steps program does not occupy a shelter component, thus it is not a shelter. Per approval of the application, the turn-around time will vary depending on the documentation provided during the initial meeting/intake. IF THE APPLICATION IS APPROVED, A HOUSING CASE MANAGER WILL CONTACT THE POTENTIAL CANDIDATE.

Learn how to access our Housing Placement Program fund here: APPLICATION

Who is Eligible?

  • The prospective candidate has potential housing options, a source of income, and proper documentation.

How to Enroll?

We are  not currently accepting new applications. Please check back soon. To obtain help please complete our online application. If you need assistance completing your online application feel free to give us a call or fill out a contact form.  The First Steps and its programs; Housing Displacement Prevention Program and Housing Placement Program DO NOT need a coordinated assessment.   

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