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Overcoming Adversity with Front Steps’ Support: Mr. McCann’s Journey to Stability

By May 24, 2024No Comments

Mr. McCann’s journey through life has been marked by resilience and determination. A Navy veteran, Mr. McCann has called Austin home off and on since 1993. His experience with homelessness began after a painful separation from his children’s mother, a turning point that brought significant challenges.

In 2021, after splitting with his partner, Mr. McCann moved in with another veteran. However, after a year, his car broke down, and he found himself with no choice but to move into his brother’s garage. Enduring the scorching Texas summer in a garage was a difficult and demoralizing experience that made him feel as though he was losing his way. It was a heartfelt conversation with his brother that reignited his determination to continue and not give up.

Motivated by his brother’s words, Mr. McCann secured a job in February 2023. However, his path remained arduous. After undergoing his third surgery in December 2023, he faced significant financial pressure. While on short-term disability, Mr. McCann received a notice that his child support payments would be deducted from his checks, severely limiting his ability to cover his bills and support himself.

It was then that Mr. McCann learned about Front Steps through the VA. He reached out and was connected with case managers Camila and Trina. Their support was swift and impactful. Within three weeks, they secured stable housing for Mr. McCann, providing him with a home and a sense of stability for the future.

Mr. McCann’s military service has left him with irreparable nerve damage and multiple neck and back surgeries, resulting in the fusion of his C3 through C7 vertebrae and herniation of his L5 through S1 vertebrae. Despite the constant pain, his drive to provide a better life for his two children remains unwavering.

To those facing homelessness, Mr. McCann offers these words of encouragement:

“Be prayed up and keep a positive mind.”

He emphasizes the importance of perseverance:

“Keep your head up and keep marching forward.”

He also urges the community to

“Never judge a book by its cover and always be willing to help when you can.”

Looking ahead, Mr. McCann’s primary goal is to give his two boys their own bedrooms, symbolizing a stable and nurturing environment. His journey is a powerful testament to resilience and the impact of community support, illustrating the profound difference that organizations like Front Steps can make in the lives of those facing homelessness.