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Staff Highlight: Welcoming Tania Palacios, Our New Housing Case Manager

By August 3, 2024No Comments

Staff Highlight: Welcoming Tania Palacios, Our New Housing Case Manager

We are thrilled to introduce Tania Palacios, our newest Housing Case Manager at Front Steps. Tania brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for community service to our team. Here’s a glimpse into her background, motivations, and vision for her role with us.

Welcome to Front Steps, Tania! Could you share a bit about your background and what inspired you to pursue a career in housing case management?

“I have been doing volunteer work for as long as I can remember and have always enjoyed it; volunteering at Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, A Place Called Home, School on Wheels, Union Station Homeless Services, and a few others. To me, there is no greater purpose than giving back and helping improve our community. When offered a position as a Case Manager at a Domestic Violence site in Southern California, I was happy to accept as I saw it as an opportunity to continue to give back in a more permanent role and understand the complexities of the Case Manager role and the impact on the population being served.”

What drew you to Front Steps, and what do you hope to achieve in your role as a Housing Case Manager?

“Front Steps’ mission is what drew me to this organization as I too believe that all human beings ‘deserve the dignity of a safe place to call home’. Moreover, knowing that they have a program specifically serving Veterans and their families was also a determining factor, as this is a population I feel has been forgotten over the years. The men and women who have fought for our country deserve to not be forgotten. To me, Front Steps makes it a point on a daily basis to be a part of that voice.”

Can you describe a time when you helped someone secure stable housing? What was the most rewarding part of that experience?

“I remember clearly a time when a client’s time in the program was coming to an end and the client and her family still had not found housing. They had been busy working, having a baby, and trying to save money. I encouraged the client to be more proactive in searching for housing by looking at ‘for rent’ signs, going online or using apps, and creating a list of numbers to call. Despite the language barrier, she was driven by the need to find housing. Our program helped her with a few application fees, and I provided rides and translation assistance. After a few days of effort, her family was finally approved for an apartment. Seeing their happiness and gratitude when I visited their new home was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Even now, she calls to check on me and express her continued gratitude.”

What strategies do you believe are essential for fostering a supportive and empowering environment for our clients?

“The strategies that are important are to collaborate as a team with our clients, to hear their needs, and to continue to encourage our clients without taking away their autonomy. It’s crucial to inspire self-sufficiency by allowing our clients to take responsibility and become independent while guiding them and providing the tools they need. These tools include financial assistance and homeless services, but also guiding with love, care, and understanding. Personalized interactions and understanding specific client needs are key.”

How do you stay motivated and inspired in your work, especially when facing challenging situations?

“I stay motivated by always trusting in God and knowing that He will continue to do His work in the lives we touch long after we are gone. What motivates me to go to work every day is knowing that every interaction makes a difference, good or bad. So, I will show up in my clients’ lives every day with a positive outlook and genuine empathy and care.”

What impact do you hope to make in the lives of the individuals and families you’ll be working with at Front Steps?

“The impact that I hope to make is for clients to remember the kindness I showed them in every interaction and to know they were always treated with the utmost respect regardless of their plight.”

Can you share a personal or professional goal you have for the next year as you settle into your role at Front Steps?

“I want to learn more about the community and population I serve and the services available in Austin so I can better serve them. I aim to foster an environment of open communication and welcome constructive feedback at all times. Additionally, I hope to work on helping obtain more grants needed to sustain our important program to continue preventing homelessness throughout Austin and its communities.”

Welcome to the team, Tania! We are excited to see the positive impact you will make in our community.