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Meet Kelley Cloughly: Director of Human Resources at Front Steps

By May 30, 2024No Comments

Kelley Cloughly’s journey to becoming the Director of Human Resources at Front Steps is both inspiring and commendable. Retiring from the Army out of Fort Hood in 2014, Kelley transitioned her passion for human resources from a military setting to the civilian world. Her post-military career began with HR recruiting, where she continued to hone her skills and make a significant impact.

In April 2023, Kelley was drawn to Front Steps, captivated by the organization’s ongoing mission to assist clients, particularly veterans, experiencing homelessness.

“I was excited to be part of something bigger than me,”

she says, reflecting on her decision to join the team. This enthusiasm is evident in her work, where she ensures that every client and visitor she interacts with feels welcome and supported. Her role as an ambassador for the Austin Chamber of Commerce further exemplifies her commitment to connecting with the community and advocating for those in need.

As Director of Human Resources, Kelley plays a crucial role in recruiting top talent to meet the needs of Front Steps. She meticulously reviews every resume submitted for open positions, conducts initial phone interviews, and pre-screens applicants to ensure they align with the organization’s values and mission. Her approach to recruitment is thorough and compassionate, ensuring that only the best candidates join the team.

For those considering a career in human resources, Kelley offers sage advice:

“You have to be compassionate and remain unbiased to stay neutral in every situation that may arise within the company. This is an enriching career with more than enough room to grow and make your career your own.”

Her insights reflect a deep understanding of the field and a commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive work environment.

When asked what advice she would give her younger self, Kelley emphasizes the importance of education and patience.

“Go to college first to get my education sooner. In the military, by getting your bachelor’s degree before enlisting, you can enlist as a commission officer. Also, I would tell my younger self to learn to be patient.”

Kelley’s inspiration to continue working in the nonprofit sector comes from her love for what she does and the mission of Front Steps. “There is less stress in the nonprofit sector, and the mission of Front Steps keeps me inspired to come to work every day,” she explains. This passion is evident in her dedication to the organization and its goals.

Reflecting on the most influential person in her life, Kelley credits her mom.

“My mom is the most influential person in my life. She was a single mom who taught us confidence and how to survive by doing things like balancing a checkbook, a skill not many people seem to know how to do anymore.”

Her mother’s resilience and practical wisdom have clearly shaped Kelley’s approach to her work and life.

As for her legacy, Kelley hopes to be remembered as someone compassionate and willing to help those in need.

“I want to be remembered as someone who is compassionate and willing to give to those around me who are in need. I would also like to be remembered as someone who is able to overcome any obstacle put in my way.”

Kelley Cloughly’s story is a testament to her dedication, resilience, and compassion. Her contributions to Front Steps and the broader community are invaluable, and her leadership continues to inspire those around her.